In my article about How to write better stuff, I talked about the two distinct processes of creating and editing. I also covered freewriting, which is an effective way to get your creativity going, and get your thoughts flowing on paper. That article is below.
In this article, I touch upon how we edit what we create. There are TONS of articles out there on the internet about writing and editing and you can find all kinds of things about this. I just want to focus on the few things that I have learned over 30 years as a creative and technical writer.
It gets Easier
Editing is like any skill, it gets easier and more natural the more you do it.
It’s like a recipe — when I first made pancakes from scratch, it was sort of hard and I had to pay close attention to the amounts of each thing, and how to put the batter together. But after a few times, I had memorized the amounts and the process and it was easy. Now I make pancakes all the time. Editing is really no different. It is a skill, just like writing. No mystery. No “you aren’t a writer if you…