Everyone has SOMETHING. Find your something. And then work on the fear that might be holding you back from being all of you and doing that SOMETHING.
This is definitely harder if you are a generalist like me. I am a technical writer by trade and get to learn a lot of different things and over the years have developed a whole lot of skills that are tangential to just writing and editing: business analysis, process flows, training, presentations, etc.
If you are a generalist too you may think you don’t have one thing or “passion” that is your SOMETHING.
But you do. It may be a soft skill like inspiring people and supporting them. Or finding the right things/opportunities/ideas for others to succeed with. Or you may just be a positive person who inspires others. But dig deeper, did you love to do something as a child? What did you spend hours doing? I played outside, ran around with a ton of kids, and even wrote and directed a play with the neighborhood kids. I was 8 years old when I did that! I assigned roles to kids and told them what to say and they all did it!
I could be tempted to say my SOMETHING is writing plays or directing plays. But my real SOMETHING was motivating and inspiring people to be creative and follow me! I was a natural leader at 8 years old! Everyone followed me because I was excited and…